Board mtg 4-27-2024
CT Hangar Association Board Meeting
· Mark Occhialini
· Howard Small
· Sheldon Schake
· Greg Castanza
· Michael Teiger
· Chris O’Conner
1. Next year’s budget will be the same as this years.
2. The Association currently has approximately $30K in cash in the bank and another $52K in a CD.
3. Hangar insurance covers day-to-day accidents such as fire coverage and damage.
4. Rick Polivy sent a letter summarizing the hangar lease:
a. Lease is up for renewal in 2031.
i. The lease can be extended for up to an additional 10 years after 2031.
ii. Lease cost will increase by 3% per year after 2031 if the least is extended.
iii. The current lease amount is $5,700/year.
iv. The state of CT owns the land but not the hangars.
v. There will be a 6-month widow to renew the lease.
b. Howard to send an email to the board with the Hangar Association by-laws and the Rick Polivy letter summarizing the lease details.
5. Next members meeting tentatively planned for one of the first Saturdays in June.
6. Budget approved by board.